Aix en Provence conference

In just a few weeks the opening session of the 2013 ICCJ conference in Aix en Provence will take place. In many ways, the upcoming conference now already is a success.

Because never in recent ICCJ history so many participants have registered: over 200. Moreover, this conference is a special challenge as this is the first time ICCJ attempts to organize a completely bi-lingual meeting. (even when this news flash only goes out in English =:). The plenary sessions will have simultaneous translation French / English vice versa. And besides the usual English-language workshops there now are French workshops and workshops that will be bi-lingual. All this because 50 percent of the participants are French.

Another novelty are the organized and yet informal talks with special guests. These three discussions offer the many French participants the unique opportunity to meet at this conference a Jew, a Christian or a Muslim from Israel / Palestine.

The high number of participants undoubtedly is due to the excellent program for this conference. But perhaps the sun also had some influence. Because the sun will shine in Aix en Provence. That is for sure.
