Buenos Aires - August 19, 2014

During his recent visit to Buenos Aires ICCJ General Secretary Rev. Dick Pruiksma met with representatives of many institutions active in dialogue in the federal capital of Argentina.

The President and Secretary of the Confraternidad Argentina Judeo Cristiana, Martha de Antueno and Maria Grandoli de Hrubisko, had prepared a fully packed program including the celebration of 50 years B’nei B’rith in Argentina. Rev Pruiksma had the opportunity to meet with representatives of Isedet, the Protestant Theological Faculty in Buenos Aires, the General Secretary of the Reformed Church of the Rio de la Plata and many others.


The Buenos Aires conference is, after Montevideo 2001, the second major ICCJ conference in Latin America. The year 2014 is an election year in ICCJ. The present board, elected in 2011 in Cracow, ends its term in Buenos Aires. Early next year all ICCJ member organizations will be invited to nominate new board members for election and their participation in the Annual General Meeting is most welcome!


Important is the commitment of the Buenos Aires branch of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and of the Latin American Jewish Congress to partner with ICCJ in organizing the 2014 conference. A planning committee – still to be completed - has started meanwhile working on theme and subthemes. Negotiations with possible conference hotels and venues are continuing.

Dates and more

We are proud to present you now already the most important details re the 2014 ICCJ Buenos Aires conference.
Dates:                                    Tuesday, August 19 – Thursday, August 21
Annual General Meeting:    Friday, August 22.
Planning Committee:          Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Rector Rabbinical Seminary, chair
                                                 Dr. Deborah Weissman, ICCJ President
                                                 Mrs. Martha de Antueno, President Argentinian CCJ
                                                 Fr. Dr. Michael Trainor, ICCJ board member
                                                 Mrs. Monica Bing, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Buenos Aires
                                                 Mr. Claudio Epelmann, Latin American Jewish Congress    
                                                 Rev. Dick Pruiksma, ICCJ General Secretary
Start of registration               April 1, 2014 on www.iccj.org

Mark the dates! See you in Buenos Aires
