Buenos Aires Conference - Last Call for Registration!

Tuesday, August 19, will be the official opening of the 2014 ICCJ conference to be held in Buenos Aires. Theme of the conference: Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Commitment and Challenges - Latin American and International Experiences and Perspectives. Registration for the conference will close end of this month.

Therefore we want to remind all those interested in coming to Buenos Aires to register on time! The conference program is most promising and the latest version of the program incl. workshops can be downloaded here (in English) and here (in Spanish).

In the column on the right of the homepage you may find all information you need.
Please, read carefully the "General Information" (pdf-file) - it will answer most of your questions.

For hotel reservations, please, find all information on page 2-3 of the "General Information"; 60 single and 20 double rooms have been blocked at our conference hotel, Abasto Hotel, until June 30 for conference participants on a first-come, first-served base. After June 30 no rooms can be guaranteed.


<iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/sIUB09TGhWw"></iframe>


We are looking forward to meeting you in Buenos Aires.

(Picture on teaser-column: ICCJ Conference Hotel "Abasto", Buenos Aires)
