CCJ-UK Criticizes Video

The ICCJ highly welcomes the critical statement of our member organization CCJ-UK about the video "This Jew died for you" produced by the organization Jews for Jesus.

Quote from the website of the Council of Christians and Jews, United Kingdom (CCJ-UK):

"The video on YouTube, ‘That Jew Died For You’, produced by Jews for Jesus has not helped Jewish-Christian relations.

The use of Holocaust imagery to seek to persuade Jews or others towards a particular religious cause is intrinsically wrong. It will cause hurt and distress to many who watch it, and others who may only hear of it. It may imply that, just as, for Christians, Jesus’s death was willed by God as the divine response to human sin, so those who died in the Holocaust did so for a similar, ultimately good purpose. It is likely to fail on its own terms (to encourage Jews to think about claims about Jesus). It causes unnecessary dissention and bewilderment to Jews involved in the authentic dialogue with Christians. It should be withdrawn.

The Council of Christians and Jews exists to promote discussion, dialogue and friendship between Jews and Christians by offering a safe space where all forms of coercion, manipulation and proselytism are ruled out."

posted on April 25, 2014)

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