Commemorative Meeting for Ruth Weyl z’’l

On January 23rd Rabbi Andrew Goldstein and members of the CCJ Hillingdon Branch organized a commemorative meeting for Ruth Weyl z’’l at the Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue.

The ICCJ was represented by Abi Pitum and the Friends and Sponsors of the Martin-Buber House by Eva Schulz-Jander. That Celia, Ruth’s daughter, came from France for this event, was a special gift to the audience and the panel alike. Her input into the discussion was especially valuable.

A panel, chaired by Judith Kramer, and consisting of Rabbi Andrew Goldstein, Eva Schulz-Jander, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, and Stephen Shashoua, Director the Three Faiths Forum, (see picture) discussed Ruth’s dedication to Interfaith Dialogue and her great contribution to mutual understanding.

The panel members gave also a short statement about their relationship to Ruth Weyl and the work they had done together. Rabbi Andrew Goldstein started by giving a brief overview of Ruth’s life, followed by Abi Pitum, who spoke about Ruth’s involvement in the ICCJ and enriched his presentation by a very personal statement. These statements were followed by those of the rest of the panel. My statement focused on the personality of Ruth and what she meant to the Friends and Sponsors, her involvement with the Young Leadership Forum (YLF), and young people in general; her open mindedness, her liberal spirit and seemingly unlimited energy, her great effort to include rather than exclude, and her deep ties to Judaism. Rabbi Lea Mühlstein and Stephen Shashoua concentrated on their personal and work relationship to Ruth Weyl.

After the meeting refreshments were served which gave people an additional chance to exchange memories. This meeting gave all of us the opportunity to take leave of Ruth by talking, laughing, remembering, and sharing our experiences with an extraordinary person.
