Course Opening CEJC Madrid

On November 4, the Center for Jewish-Christian Studies in Madrid held a ceremony opening the courses 2013-2014. The event took place in the Plenary Hall of the State Board of Education, the Ministry of Education.

The ceremony was chaired by Mr. Samuel Bengio, President of the Jewish Community of Madrid and member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain ( FCJE ) and on behalf of the Center for Jewish- Christian Studies by Ms. Mayte Rodriguez.

Titled "The relations between the Jewish people and Catholics after Vatican II"  we had the special intervention this year by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and Bishop D. César A. Franco Martínez, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid, who delivered two brilliant lectures on the subject.

Both speakers as board members expressed the need for unity of Jews and Catholics in the defense of our common values : life, religious freedom, the protection of minorities and the rigorous study of Judaism in all their dimensions to help reduce the danger of anti-Semitism ever to appear under different working faces prejudice, respecting differences, revealing Judaism and the Jewish roots of Christianity.

Among other officials were present: D. Ricardo Garcia Garcia, deputy director of the Confessions Relations of the Ministry of Justice ; D. Gabriel Prisiallni, President of the Community Masorti Bet -El, D. Moses Chocrón, Vice President of the Jewish Community of Madrid, D. Ms. Laura Garcia , coordinator of the Press and Information of the Embassy of Israel in Spain, D. Miguel de Lucas, Director of the Center Sefarad -Israel, Ms Renne Mergui, member of the Spanish Council of Women Israelites, Ms Eva Benatar, vice president Violeta Friedman Foundation, Rev. Teofilo Moldovan representative of the Romanian Orthodox Church and members of the Board of the Center for Jewish- Christian Studies ( CEJC ). The ceremony was attended by about 200 people who filled the capacity of the Plenary Hall.

Beginning Wednesday, November 13 for every Wednesday, at the headquarters of our Center will develop the theme of this course, with the participation of teachers from the Complutense University, Comillas, San Damaso, Barcelona, UNED, the College of Bernardine Paris, Ratisbonne Institute of Jerusalem, Jewish Community of Madrid and the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain.

For more information see the official website

