Eva-Maria Schulz-Jander honored with "The Order of Merit"

Together with the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Martin-Buber-House, ICCJ congratulates its DKR Liaison Eva on this honor.

Congratulations to Dr. Eva-Maria Schulz-Jander, recipient of The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande)!

At a ceremony on December 4, 2015, in her hometown of Kassel, Dr. Schulz-Jander was presented with this wonderful honor in recognition of and with great appreciation for her lifetime achievements.
The Order of Merit honors accomplishments in the fields of political, socio-economic and intellectual work and the award recipients‘ contributions to the enhancement of society.

Dr. Schulz-Jander was born in Breslau and emigrated with her parents to the United States. In Houston, Montpellier and Berkeley, she was a student in the fields of romance studies, German studies and philosophy. She received a doctorate in 1965, having focused her doctoral studies on the work of Paul Valéry (romance studies). She has been a resident of Germany since 1967.

Dr. Schulz-Jander has been a managing director of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation in Kassel for 22 years, a member of the Presidium of the German Coordinating Council (DKR – Deutscher Koordinierungsrat) as Catholic President and a lecturer at the Volkshochschule Region Kassel.
Dr. Schulz-Jander is a member of the Executive Board of the ICCJ as DKR Liaison. The DKR is the German member organization of the ICCJ. She has often been the DKR’s delegate in the Annual General Meeting of the ICCJ with voting authority.
The Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Martin Buber House was created to allow individuals and non-ICCJ affiliated groups to become partners in the world-wide work of the ICCJ. The role of this organization is greatly valued by Dr. Schulz-Jander who has been a member since 2000 and its President since 2003.

Thank you Eva for your commitment to and passionate support of The Friends and Sponsors of the Martin Buber House and the ICCJ, and for your service in all of your community endeavors!

Sincere Congratulations!
