French CCJ’s Press Release

Faced with questions from a certain number of AJCF members about our silence re Chief Rabbi Bernheim, a silence needed for reflection after the events that took place, we have decided, with those members of the AJCF Executive Board who could respond, to publish the statement below:

The Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France, shocked by the allegations against Chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim to which he conceded, will prolong its friendship with him, grateful for what he has brought to the encounter of Jews and Christians, including his ability to innovate and to raise new questions for Jewish-Christian dialogue, particularly during his excellent performance as a Vice President for many years.

Trusting in God and in his mercy, we assure him of our loyal hopefulness that the depth of his teachings will continue to bear fruit for Jews, Christians and for society.

Paris, April 16, 2013

Pastor Florence Taubmann, President
Father Jean Dujardin, Vice President
Bruno Charmet, Director
Henri Planet, Secretary General
Yves Chevalier, Director of the magazine “Sens”
Eliane Ventre, Treasurer
Rosine Voisin, Editor of the AJCFsite
