Gandhi Award Ehud Bandel

On Sunday, May 1st, at Center Church on the Green in New Haven, Connecticut, the Gandhi Peace Award was presented to ICCJ’s 1st Vice President Rabbi Ehud Bandel, a co-founder of Rabbis for Human Rights, and to Rabbi Arik Ascherman General Secretary of the organization.

Rabbis Bandel and Asherman received the 2011 Gandhi Peace Award for their direct action to bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians and their nonviolent methods of resolving human rights abuses in Israel and the Occupied Territories.

The Gandhi Peace Award "honoring the world’s peace heroes" has been presented since 1960 for "contributions made in the promotion of international peace and good will" to peace heroes such as Eleanor Roosevelt, William Sloane Coffin, Benjamin Spock, Daniel Ellsberg, Dorothy Day, and César Chávez, all of whom accepted in person after presenting a message of challenge and hope.

The ICCJ congratulates its Vice President with this prestigious peace price. 

Photo: Promoting Enduring Peace Board Member Susan Yolen presents the 2011 Gandhi Award to Rabbis Ehud Bandel and Arik Ascherman, of Rabbis for Human Rights at Center Church on the Green in New Haven, Connecticut, May 1, 2011


