ICCJ International Abrahamic Forum: Conference 2013

International Conference: La Baume, Aix en Provence, 26 - 28 June 2013. Theme: Combatting Our Teachings of Contempt; Jewish, Christian and Muslim Introspection and Projection.
Book now for the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue Event of the Year!

Meet with academics, religious leaders, practitioners and participants from all over the world, each passionately committed to Jewish-Christian-Muslim engagement.

Examine the history of our traditions and the greatest challenges to interfaith dialogue today with fascinating lectures and workshops from renowned experts.

The conference commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the passing of Jules Isaac, the well-known French historian who coined the phrase “the teaching of contempt” about the Christian roots of anti-Semitism. The International Abrahamic Forum (IAF) is in a unique position to be able to look at teachings of contempt in each of the three Abrahamic religions and, by doing so, learn how we can combat these together. 

Keynote addresses:

  • Rabbi Dr. Ruth Langer (USA), Professor of Jewish Studies, Theology Dept; Associate Director, Center for Christian-Jewish Learning, Boston College; Chair, Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations
  • Dr Amineh Hoti (Pakistan), Co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Muslim-Jewish Relations, Woolf Institute, Cambridge UK
  • Prof Dr Stefan Schreiner (Germany), Chair of Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, University of Tübingen; Coordinator of European Abrahamic Forum

And additionally a range of high-calibre workshops on theology, liturgy, scripture, media and education.

For further details (program, registration, ...) please see:
IAF Conference 2013
