JCRelations.net: February edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: February contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.

English articles:

- Ron Kronish: The Future of Interreligious Dialogue in Israel. Article
- Beate Klarsfeld: A collective responsibility and a moral and historic commitment. Article
- Monsignor Janusz Urbanczyk: A continuous call to reject anti-Semitism. Holy See on Holocaust Remembrance Day 2016. Article
- Vatican Information Service: Francis visits the Great Synagogue of Rome. Report
- Address of His Holiness Pope Francis: Visit to the synagoogue of Rome. Statement
- Rebecca Clifford: Post-Holocaust France and the Jews, 1945–1955. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- David Elcott : Notwendige (und Not-wendende) Erinnerungen. Artikel
- Holocaust-Gedenktag: Bundestag erinnert an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Bericht
- Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland: Rheinische Kirche startet Gesprächsinitiative für einen Frieden in Israel und Palästina. Bericht
- Papst Franziskus: Ansprache beim Besuch der Synagoge in Rom. Stellungnahme
- Soraya Levin: Leo Baeck - Repräsentant des liberalen Judentums. Rezension

JCR German articles

French articles:

- Jean Duhaime: Visite du pape François à la Grande synagogue de Rome.
- Discours du Pape François: Visite à la synagogue de Rome.

JCR French articles

Spanish articles:

- Una nueva perspectiva judía de las relaciones judeo-cristianas: Declaración para el próximo jubileo de fraternidad.
- Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco: Visita a la sinagoga de Roma.

JCR Spanish articles

Russian article:

- Дмитрий Осипов: Новый Завет и палестинский иудаизм в исследованиях Э.П.Сандерса.

JCR Russian article
