JCRelations.net: January edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: January contributions in English, German, French and Spanish are online.

English articles:

- Rabbi David Blumenthal: Tselem: Toward an Anthropopathic Theology of Image. Article
- Scarboro Missions: Leaders in the Modern Jewish-Christian Relationship: Rabbi Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972). Article
- TIO News: Dalai Lama and Karen Armstrong to Keynote 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions.Report
- Jessica M. Parr: American Zion: The Old Testament as a Political Text from the Revolution to the Civil War.Book review.

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Joseph Walk: Friedenshoffnung und Friedensarbeit.Artikel
- JCR: Distanzierung von „Judenschriften“. Bericht
- EKHN: Martin Luthers sog. „Judenschriften“ im Horizont des EKHN-Grundartikels (1991) und des Reformationsjubiläums (2017). Stellungnahme
- JCR: 500 Jahre Reformation: 2017 eint die evangelischen Kirchen. Buchvorstellung 

JCR German articles

French article:

- Brian McDonough : Religion et action sociale – Un point de vue catholique.

JCR French article

Spanish articles:

- Felipe C. Yafé: Interpretación Textual e Identidad Religiosa.
- Philip A. Cunningham:
Interpretación textual e identidad religiosa. Respuesta al rabino Felipe Yafé.

JCR Spanish articles
