JCRelations.net: July edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: July contributions in English, German, Spanish and Russian are online.

English articles:

- Tatha Wiley: Christianity’s Original Sin? Article
- Casey Strine: What the Bible’s Romans 13 says about asylum – and what Jeff Sessions omitted. Article
- Marcus Braybrooke: Naming, Growing, and Collaborating. Article
- Conference of European Rabbis: EU leader tells Europe’s Jews: “I will always be there for you”. Report
- Conference of European Rabbis: “Dialogue Prize of Swiss Jews” awarded to the rabbi Noam Hertig und imam Muris Begovic. Report
- The Council of Christians and Jews: Statement on the intended Canonisation of Pope Paul VI. Report
- David H. Price: Protestantism’s "Gretchenfrage": What to Do With Martin Luther and the Jews. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Adele Reinhartz: Rabbi Jesus im Johannesevangelium. Artikel
- Adventistischer Pressedienst: Freikirchen und Judentum - Tagung des Vereins für Freikirchenforschung. Bericht
- JCR: Buber-Rosenzweig-Medaille 2019. Bericht
- JCR: Universität des Saarlandes bietet Masterstudiengang „Religion in Europa“ an. Bericht
- JCR: Rabbiner Walter Homolka in Polen zum "Versöhner des Jahres" benannt. Bericht
- Martin H. Jung: Martin Luther und die Kabbala. Rezension

JCR German articles

French articles:

Pause estivale
Actualisation suivante: Septembre

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- Tatha Wiley: Le péché originel du christianisme?

JCR Spanish article

Russian article:

- Барбара Ньюман: «Страсти евреев Праги»: погром 1389 года и уроки средневековой пародии.

JCR Russian article
