JCRelations.net: May edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: May contributions in English, German, French and Spanish are online.

English articles:

- Cardinal Walter Kasper: Anti-semitism: A wound to be healed. Article
- Frank-Walter Steinmeier:
Beware of simple answers! The role of religion in modern society. Article
- Pope Francis:
Pope condemns anti-Semitism and shows solidarity with the Jewish people. Statement
- Anette Adelmann:
ICCJ Mourns the Death of former Roman Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff (1915 – 2015). Report
- Saint Joseph’s University:
SJU Announces Details of Sculpture to Mark 50 Years of New Catholic-Jewish Relationship. Report
- Pew Research Center:
Number of Muslims Worldwide Expected to Nearly Equal Number of Christians by 2050; Religiously Unaffiliated Will Make Up Declining Share of World’s Population. Report
- Mark Blum:
The Experiential Development of Theodor Herzl's Vision. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Mohammed Khallouk: Brief an einen jüdischen Freund. Artikel
- Manfred Deselaers: Der Beitrag des Zentrums für Dialog und Gebet in Oswiecim (Auschwitz) zum christlich-jüdischen Dialog 1990-2013. Artikel
- Paolo Becchi und Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo: Zwischen Kreationismus und Evolutionismus. Die Deutungen von Hans Jonas und Joseph Ratzinger im Vergleich. Artikel
- Anette Adelmann: ICCJ Präsident Philip Cunningham im Interview. Bericht
- JCR: Papst Franziskus beklagt Antisemitismus in Europa. Bericht
- Soraya Levin: Tuvia Tenenbom: Allein unter Juden. Rezension

JCR German articles

French article:

- Jean Duhaime : « L’ancienne Alliance jamais révoquée » dans les interventions récentes des papes.
- Jean Duhaime : Le Pape François reçoit la Conférence des Rabbins Européens.
- Philip A. Cunningham : Conférence du CICJ à Rome pour le 50e anniversaire de Nostra Aetate.

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- Bartosz Bartyzel: No serás un mero espectador. Conmemoración del 70º aniversario de la liberación de Auschwitz.

JCR Spanish articles
