JCRelations.net: May edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: May contributions in English, German, French, and Spanish are online.

English articles:

- Günther B. Ginzel: Observations on the Christian-Jewish dialogue
- Leonard Swidler: Dialogue Decalogue. Ground Rules for Inter-religious, Inter-ideological Dialogue
- Francesca Frazer: ICCJ Report on discussion of the Israel/Palestine Conflict and its impact on Christian-Jewish Dialogue. Report
- Shelley O. Baranowski: From Luther to Hitler? German Protestant Appropriations of Luther’s Judenschriften during the Third Reich. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Hans Maaß: Der lange Weg der Überwindung kirchlicher Judenfeindschaft.
- Bischof Heinrich Mussinghoff: An den Polnischen Rat der Juden und Christen, Warschau.
- "... damit es anders anfängt zwischen und allen": 60 Jahre Woche der Brüderlichkeit. Buchvorstellung

JCR German articles

French articles:

- Hélène Kravitz: Une enfant cachée en Belgique
- Rabbin Lisa J. Grushcow: Se souvenir vraiment

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo Internacional de Cristianos y Judíos: “Cuidado con el lenguaje” en las discusiones sobre Medio Oriente

JCR Spanish article
