JCRelations.net: November edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: November contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.

English articles:

- Markus Himmelbauer: Reconciliation in Judaism and Christianity. A Catholic Persepective. Article
- CCJR: Statement on the Shabbat Murders at the Tree of Life – Or Simchat Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Report
- Notre Dame de Sion: The International Jewish – Christian Bible Week, Germany. Report
- JCR: Great Britain: CCJ Presidents reaffirm commitment to CCJ’s core mission. Report
- JCR: Serge and Beate Klarsfeld and the Syria Civil Defense to Each Receive 2019 Museum Elie Wiesel Award. Report
- Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Paul VI, first Pope since St. Peter to visit the Holy Land, canonized in Rome. Report
- JCR: Historical Declaration of Friendship Across Religions in the making. Report
- Matthew Thiessen: The Jewish Annotated New Testament, Second Edition. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Herbert Jochum: Papst Benedikt XVI.: Christlich-jüdischer Dialog als Gefahr. Artikel
- JCR: Professur für christlich-jüdischen Dialog. Bericht
- JCR: Rabbiner-Brandt-Vorlesung 2018 von Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert. Bericht
- JCR: Neues Museum in Israel zum Leben Jesu. Bericht
- JCR: Badische Synode wendet sich gegen Antisemitismus. Bericht
- Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden: „Antisemitismus ist Gotteslästerung“. Stellungnahme
- Hans Maaß: Alltag im Ausnahmezustand. Rezension

JCR German articles

French articles:

- Jean Massonnet: Benoît XVI Les dons et l’appel sans repentir: Compte-rendu de Jean Massonnet. Article
- Liliane Apotheker: Transmettre la mémoire de la Shoah dans un monde sans témoins. Article

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- JCR: Foro Interreligioso G20 2018 - G20 Interfaith Forum 2018

JCR Spanish article

Russian article:

- Андрей Шпирт: Православное и униатское духовенство и их отношение к евреям в середине XVII в. в Речи Посполитой

JCR Russian article
