JCRelations.net: September edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: September contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.

English articles:

- S. Wesley Ariarajah: Reorienting Jewish-Christian Relations and Dialogue. Article
- Lisa Palmieri-Billig: Transforming “Divine Mystery” into “faith and reason”. Article
- JCR: Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI on Supersessionism and Covenant. Report
- JCR: Against Hatred of Jews Worldwide: Formation of a New Scholarly Society to Study Antisemitism. Report
- Nike Snijders: A Tale of Two Cities: Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Budapest and Kecskemét. Report
- World Council of Churches: WCC invites participation in World Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel. Report

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Markus Himmelbauer: Versöhnung. Artikel
- Birgit Meurer: ICCJ trauert um Judith Buber Agassi. Bericht
- Heinz-Peter Katlewski: Verstehen und akzeptieren. Bericht
- JCR: Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland: Neuer Ansprechpartner für christlich-jüdischen Dialog. Bericht
- Hans Maaß: Ob es wahr und glaublich sei... Rezension

JCR German articles

French articles:

- Michael Ipgrave: Se souvenir de l’Alliance: le judaïsme dans une théologie anglicane des relations interreligieuses. Article
- Nike Snijders: SLe conte des deux cités: dialogue judéo-chrétien à Budapest et à Kecskemét. Comptes-rendus
- Jean Duhaime: Une théologie à la frontière. Recensions de livres

JCR French articles

Spanish article:

- Ron Kronish: El rabino Michael Melchior y su iniciativa de paz religiosa.

JCR Spanish article

Russian article:

- Андрей Берман: Об иудейских корнях Иисусовой молитвы (К феноменологии Иисусовой молитвы)

JCR Russian article
