New ICCJ General Secretary appointed

As you all know, our esteemed General-Secretary Rev. Dick Pruiksma announced some time ago his impending retirement. The Executive Board of the ICCJ has been engaged for some months in a search for his successor.

I am pleased to announce that we have found that person in Anette Adelmann. She is a young, personable resident of Frankfurt, who brings to the position a rich background in Protestant theology and advanced Jewish studies, together with extensive experience in project coordination and management, and impressive technological skills.

As of January 1, there will be a three-month period of overlap, in which Dick and Anette will be working together. As of April 1, Anette will assume the role on her own, with Dick staying on as Consultant to the Board, with special responsibility for the upcoming conference in Buenos Aires.  At our next Board meeting in Heppenheim, Feb. 3-5, the Board will say an official farewell to Dick as General-Secretary and offer an official welcome to Anette. But for the time being, we’d like to say to Dick, “Thanks for your many years of devoted service,” and to Anette, “Welcome to the ICCJ family.”
