Outgoing ICCJ President Dr Deborah Weissman receives the Sternberg Interfaith Gold Medallion

At the conclusion of its 2014 international conference in Buenos Aires, the ICCJ conferred the Sternberg Interfaith Gold Medal “Peace Through Dialogue” upon Dr Deborah Weissman, its outgoing president, at the conclusion of her six-year term.

During the conference’s concluding dinner on Thursday, 21 August, Dr Weissman’s colleague and ICCJ Board member Rabbi Ehud Bandel made the presentation on behalf of the Chairman of the award and ICCJ’s Patron Sir Sigmund Stenberg, who was unable to be personally present, but who sent his congratulations and best wishes from England.

The Interfaith Gold Medal, a prestigious award founded in 1986 and granted by the Sternberg Charitable Foundation, the Three Faiths Forum (3FF) and the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ), recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to promoting Jewish-Christian dialogue around the world - a description which certainly captures Dr Weissman’s term as ICCJ President. During her six years in office, she has been a tireless spokesperson and advocate for Jewish-Christian friendship worldwide, travelling around the globe to speak to Jewish and Christian audiences, and presiding over the publication of several major ICCJ documents and statements. Dr Weissman is highly respected as an educator, speaker and writer, and often works closely with Christian educational groups which come to Israel for study or dialogue.

Congratulations, dear Debbie!
