Preview 2013

On the threshold of the New Year 2013, the Executive Board of the ICCJ wants to thank you for the excellent cooperation in the past year. Without doubt, the New Year will see a continuation to our friendship and collegiality. In the coming year a large number of activities fills the ICCJ agenda. We will be happy to keep you informed about all this. There are several options which we would like to list for you.



a. Electronic Newsletter:
1. Go to and register for the newsletter or
2. Simply subscribe for the RSS feed of the newsletter. The RSS icon to be found on our home page
Every seven/ten days you will receive an e-mail announcement. Did you receive an announcement of this Preview 2013? Thank you for already having registered!

b. Social Media:
1. Like the ICCJ Facebook page:
2. This FB page is linked with the new ICCJ Twitter account. You may receive the FB messages through @iccjtwit as well.
3. New is the LinkedIn ICCJ account. Find us at and share your views with us.
Shorter messages will frequently go out through the social media. Often these messages will contain a link to our homepage where in depth information can be found on a given subject.

c. ICCJ Memborg list serve:
Executive members of ICCJ member organizations may subscribe to a mailing list. Send a mail to majordomo(at), leaving the subject line empty. Just write in your mail: subscribe memborg. You will get an e-mail from our webmaster confirming your subscription. That’s all!

2013 activities

Through our website and through the social media you will be kept informed on inter alia the following planned activities:
1. The main ICCJ event in 2013 will be the annual conference in Aix en Provenc organized in cooperation with the IECJ, Interuniversity Institute of Jewish Studies & Culture, Aix en Provence University. The conference will be held from June 30 – July 3, 2013. Theme: “Secularity: Opportunity or Peril for Religions. The French Experience and Global Perspectives”. Registration will open as from March 1 on
2. Preceding the “main” ICCJ conference the ICCJ Young Leadership Council will organize their annual conference in Aix en Provence.
3. At the same time and at the same venue (Conference center “La Baume”) the International Abrahamic Forum will hold its annual meeting. This conference is open to all. 4. In February the ICCJ Executive will meet in London for a closed session on the situation in the Middle East. Apart from the usual discussions on ICCJ activities and finances, a few days will be dedicated to a re-assessment of ICCJ’s position as laid down in the 2009 Berlin document.
5. In March an YLC planning group will meet in France preparing the Aix YLC conference.
6. In March the General Secretary will visit Buenos Aires in view of the 2014 annual conference.
7. Etcetera, etcetera.

Be our partners in the New Year! The ICCJ is working for you!
