We Embrace Ukraine

In view of the human tragedy developing in Ukraine, the Executive Board of ICCJ wishes to share the following message with member organizations and friends:



The ICCJ embraces the people of Ukraine.

We witness the unfolding horror of the war, and mourn the loss of life and express grief at the suffering of the wounded and refugees.

We express our outrage at the abusive use of the term "denazification".

We express our solidarity with the neighboring countries of Ukraine who are receiving the first waves of refugees with humanity and giving them shelter.

As the war carries on, we know that there will be more refugees and hope that all countries will open their borders and show the outpouring of solidarity that is needed in the face of this human tragedy.

We call on all to refrain from exporting the conflict, demonstrating animosity and stereotyping Russians and Ukrainians everywhere.

We pray for peace together with people of all faiths.
