70th Anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference

Our French member organization, the Amitié Judéo-chrétienne de France (AJCF), recently launched the commemoration of the Seelisberg conference - ICCJ's founding event that took place 70 years ago.

From the website of the AJCF (translation: Liliane Apotheker):

1947-2017 : The Seventieth Anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference

From July 30 to August 5, 1947 an international meeting attended by about 60 personalities both Jewish and Christian (among them Jules Isaac and Chief Rabbi Jacob Kaplan representing France) took place in Seelisberg, Switzerland. This encounter established the new foundations for „the teaching of esteem“ between the two religions.

Fifty years later, on November 16, 1997 a conference took place in Strasbourg celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference, organised by the Oecumenical Association Charles Peguy (then presided by Jacqueline Cuche) , the Protestant Faculty of Theology, the Catholic Faculty of Theology and the department of Hebraic Studies of the University of Strasbourg.

An exceptional speech was delivered by Chief Rabbi Alexandre Safran, one of the last
witnesses of the Seelisberg Conference. An analysis of the immediate and decisive impact of the Ten Points of Seelisberg was given by Fadiey Lovsky, whereas Yves Chevalier centered his address mostly on the role of Jules Isaac and the influence of his 18 proposals.

Fathers Michel Kubler and Jean Dujardin, Reverend Etienne Trocme and Rabbi Josy
Eisenberg participated in an oecumenical and Judeo-Christian round table.

Other speakers during this conference were: Jean-François Collange, Jacqueline Cuche,
Simon Knaebel, Joseph Elkouby and Jean Kahn.

These texts have lost none of their relevance, as we all know ; they can be found in Sens nr
238, October 1998

Also to be found on our website (ajcf.fr) and in English is "The Report of the International
Conference in Seelisberg of 1947

The original French version of this article can be found here.