Chanukkah and Christmas Greetings

Video messages of the ICCJ President, its Vice Presidents and Immediate Past President with greetings for Chanukkah and Christmas sent to all our members, friends and supporters.

Philip A. Cunningham (Philadelphia, USA) - ICCJ President

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Liliane Apotheker (Paris, France) - ICCJ First Vice-President

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Michael Trainor (Adelaide, Australia) - ICCJ Second Vice-President

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Debbie Weissman (Jerusalem, Israel) - ICCJ Immediate Past President

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All members of the ICCJ Executive Board, the staff of ICCJ's headquarters in Heppenheim, and ICCJ's General Secretary join in the greetings of our presidents and wish all Jews "Chanukkah Sameach", all Christians "Merry Christmas" and peace upon our war-torn world.

(Picture on teaser column on the frontpage: Copyright Jewish Museum Berlin / Photographer Jens Ziehe)