Dutch Website on Jewish Christian Relations Now Online

A new Dutch website on Jewish Christian relations is online as from May 1st.

Former ICCJ General Secretary Dick Pruiksma brought together a group of over forty rabbi’s, pastors, priests, professors and others who will write short annotations to each Sunday’s lessons. Among them many members of ICCJ’s Dutch member organization OJEC.

Monthly newsletters sent to over 2500 members of the clergy will draw their attention to the website. Hopefully they will not only enjoy this new initiative because of the annotations from jewish-christian dialogue as another aim of this site is to share news from the (inter-)national dialogue, bookreviews, news about conferences etc.
News from ICCJ will also have a broad coverage.

The Dutch initiative is honored to feature on its first release an article by Dr. Debbie Weissman, Immediate Past ICCJ President, on the Jewish response to Nostra Aetate and a introduction video by Rabbi David Rosen, Honorary ICCJ President.
A third item published at the launch of the website is the announcement of an international conference, to be held in The Netherlands in November, on the “Faith, Law, and Redemption in Jesus and Paul: Reformation Themes and Christian-Jewish Relations”.

Visit the new website on www.joods-christelijke-dialoog.nl