Holocaust Memorial Day 2012

January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day. Sixty-seven years ago the death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau were liberated. All over the world commemorative services and gatherings will be held.

During the ICCJ conference in Cracow, July 2011, the conference participants spent a whole day in Auschwitz and in Birkenau. All were impressed by the visit to the Auschwitz State Museum and most of all by the commemorative walk along the ramp in Birkenau. The text of the prayers we said that day may be found on our home page under the lectures of the Cracow 2011 conference.

This year the international ICCJ conference will be held in Manchester UK and Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks will be the key note speaker on Monday July 2. To mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 and to remember our prayers in Auschwitz-Birkenau we want to share with you the message from Lord Sacks on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day 2012. Click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2C-k4q_wLI