JCRelations.net: December edition online

New articles are available on JCRelations.net: December contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.

English articles:

- David Sandmel: Spiritual Patrimony. 50 Years after Nostra Aetate. Article
- Clare Amos: A living question mark. Protestants and Jews after Nostra Aetate. Article
- Bensahel/Haddad/Krygier/Marciano/Rausky: Declaration for the Upcoming Jubilee of Brotherhood. A New Jewish View of Jewish-Christian Relations. Statement
- “…in our time…”: A statement on relations between the Presbytery of Chicago and the Jewish community in metropolitan Chicago. Statement
- Peter Kenny: “Religion, Peace and Violence” is theme for Christian-Muslim meeting in Geneva. Report
- Dvora E. Weisberg: A Thousand and One Sasanian Nights. Book review

JCR English articles

German articles:

- Markus Himmelbauer: Jude und zugleich Christ sein - geht das? Artikel
- JCR: Österreichischer Koordinierungsausschuss: Neue Geschäftsführerin. Bericht
- Bensahel/Haddad/Krygier/Marciano/Rausky: Erklärung für das kommende Jubeljahr der Brüderlichkeit. Stellungnahme
- Hans Maass: Maximilian Gottschlichs "Unerlöste Schatten". Rezension

JCR German articles

French articles:

- Rabbin Abraham Skorka : Nostra Aetate d’hier à demain.

- Bensahel/Haddad/Krygier/Marciano/Rausky : Déclaration pour le Jubilé de fraternité à venir. Une nouvelle vision juive des relations judéo-chrétiennes.

JCR French articles

Spanish articles:

- Jacqueline Cuche, Presidenta de la AJCF: Comunicado de la Amistad Judeo-Cristiana de Francia sobre los atentados terroristas del 13 de noviembre de 2015 en París.

- El Comité Ejecutivo del ICCJ: Carta del ICCJ a Jacqueline Cuche, presidenta de la Amistad Judeo-Cristiana de Francia.

- Foro Abrahámico Internacional:
Mensaje del Foro Abrahámico Internacional del ICCJ (IAF) por los atentados de París.

JCR Spanish articles

Russian article:

- Материалы "Круглого стола" - конференции «Иудео-христианский диалог в России, как путь сохранения исторической памяти и примирения»

JCR Russian article