English articles:
- Ron Kronish: Why We Read from Isaiah on Yom Kippur. Article
- Rabbi Abraham Skorka: Nostra Aetate, past and future. Article
- Scarboro Missions: Leaders in the Modern Jewish-Christian Relationship: Bruno Hussar, OP (1911-1996). Article
- Saint Joseph's University: Pontiff Makes Historic Visit to Philadelphia‘s Jesuit University. Report
- World Union for Progressive Judaism: Mazal Tov! Four Rabbis Ordained and One Cantor Invested in Bielefeld, Germany. Report
- Adi Mahalel: Crossovers: The Hasidic Master and the Jewish Jesus. Book review
German articles:
- Kardinal Karl Lehmann: Das Konzil und seine Wirkungsgeschichte. Artikel
- Deutsche Bischofskonferenz: Treffen in der römischen Synagoge zu 50 Jahre Nostra aetate. Bericht
- Eva Schulz-Jander: „Israel ist an allem Schuld“. Rezension
French article:
- Jean Duhaime: Chrétiens, à l'écoute de la tradition d'Israël. Recensions de livres.
Spanish article:
- Mohammed Khallouk: Carta a un amigo judío.
Russian article:
- Светлана Тарханова: Амвросий Медиоланский и Маркелл Апамейский: гордость Герострата.