New IAF Website Now Online!

The International Abrahamic Forum (IAF) was established through the auspices of the ICCJ in order to welcome Muslims as full partners in dialogue with Christians and Jews.

The IAF offers a global platform for ICCJ member organizations as well as those already engaged in this trilateral dialogue, and opens new partnerships with other organizations to create an international network for connecting people, local communities and organizations where experiences may be shared and new projects may flourish.

As we grow and develop we offer news, updates and suggestions for developing and improving interreligious engagement at a variety of levels. Please visit our newly redesigned website and explore our offerings!

We welcome you to visit the IAF website and meet there the members of the steering committee, read the IAF mission statement, and find much more.

If you want to be kept updated about IAF and ICCJ activities and news, feel free to subscribe to the ICCJ newsletter here.

Of course the IAF will be present at ICCJ's 2019 conference in Lund, Sweden as well and will offer a plenary session and two workshops. More information about the conference, its program and the regristration form can be found here.