Some News about the “Friends and Sponsors of the Martin-Buber-House”

Since 2016 the "Friends and Sponsors of the Martin-Buber-House" have published a Bulletin three times a year, featuring interesting articles about Interfaith Dialogue.

Among the authors have been well known scholars such as Prof. Dr Karl-Josef Kuschel, Prof. Dr Christian Wiese, Dr Peter Pettit. Our last Bulletin, published in January 2019, featured an article by Rabbi David Rosen, Honorary President of ICCJ, entitled: “Reflections on the recent Orthodox Jewish Statements on Jewish-Catholic Relations”. Since our Bulletin is sent out to members only, yet we believe that Rosen’s article is of interest to a larger audience, we would like to make it available to you here on ICCJ’s website (and our German readers please look here).

If you are interested in receiving our bulletin by mail and in being kept updated on the activities of the “Friends and Sponsors of the Martin-Buber-House”, we cordially invite you to join the association and to support our work for the ICCJ.

The “Friends and Sponsors” were founded in 1984 to give individuals the unique opportunity to participate in the regional and world-wide work of the ICCJ. Through your membership you can help us as an individual to fulfill our promise, given 70 years ago, to make the world a better place to live in.
Our focus lies on supporting young delegates giving them the opportunity to attend the annual conferences of the ICCJ, thus investing in the future of the ICCJ.

An application form for membership can be found here.




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The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed by the author of this article do not necessarily represent the views of the ICCJ, its Executive Board, or its national member organizations.