Tools for constructive dialogue

The ICCJ has long been involved in the discussions that arise when in Jewish-Christian dialogue the problems of the Middle East are discussed. In the "Twelve Points of Berlin" the ICCJ has outlined its starting position: Working together for a just solution.

Contacts were made with the Christian Palestinian authors of the Kairos Document. And the new ICCJ Research Council initiated its project "Promise, Land and  Hope", Jews and Christians seeking understanding to enable a constructive dialogue about Israeli-Palestinian issues.

Early August the Research Council met for the first time in Leuven, Belgium. The members of the Council mapped out the steps to be taken in the time to come. A report of the meeting of the Council will be made available to the ICCJ Executive Board soon. But one of the contributions at the Leuven meeting is published now already. Prof Jesper Svartvik (Lund, Jerusalem) worked out the ideas he already introduced during the ICCJ-Kairos consultation. The result is an excellent summary of no less than ten points that carefully have to be kept in mind when we want to talk in a constructive way on Israeli-Palestinian issues.

You may find Jesper Svartvik's text under:

ICCJ President Debbie Weissman’s Rosh haShana Letter touches the same sensitive issues:

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