

Kurt Cardinale Koch - Plenaria Conclusiva

ICCJ Conferenzia 2015, Roma, Mercoledi, 1°Luglio, 2015

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Michael Trainor - ICCJ Conference Rome, Plenary Session

"Re-framing the Covenant: An Ecological Retrieval" by Michael Trainor, ICCJ Conference Rome, Wednesday, July 1, 2015

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Ed Kessler - ICCJ Conference Rome, Plenary Session

"Covenant as a Continuing Conversation in the Future" by Ed Kessler, ICCJ Conference Rome, Wednesday, July 1, 2015

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Anna Foa - ICCJ Conference, Roma, Sessione Plenaria

"La Comunità Ebraica in Roma: 2100 anni di storia e oltre", Anna Foa, ICCJ Rome Conference, Sessione plenaria, Lunedi 29 Giugno 2015

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Philip A. Cunningham - Udienza di Papa Francesco

Il presentazione dei partecipanti alla conferenza dell'ICCJ a Papa Francesco, Philip A. Cunningham(Presidente dell’ICCJ), Martedi 30 Giugno 2015,…

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Abraham Skorka - Sessione Inaugurale

"Nostra Aetate: passato e futuro", Rav Abraham Skorka (Rettore del Seminario Rabbinico Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires), ICCJ Roma Conferenza, Sessione…

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Alberto Melloni - Sessione Plenaria

"La generazione di Nostra Aetate", Alberto Melloni, ICCJ Roma Conferenza, Sessione plenaria, Lunedi 29 Giugno 2015

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Judith Hershcopf Banki - Sessione Plenary

"Nostra Aetate: Riflessioni di un testimone", Judith Hershcopf Banki, ICCJ Roma Conferenza, Sessione plenaria, Lunedi 29 Giugno 2015

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Celebrating and Deepening the New Christian-Jewish Relationship

A Statement from the International Council of Christians and Jews on the Golden Jubilee of the Second Vatican Council Declaration, Nostra Aetate 2015…

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David Rosen - Keynote, ICCJ Conference Rome, Plenary Session

“The Role Religions Should Play in a Conflicted World” by David Rosen, ICCJ Conference Rome, Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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