32th Annual Meeting Italian Federazione

Camaldoli is "a privileged and precious place of mutual knowledge and listening, of respect and comparison but mainly a place of Christian-Jewish friendship, open to all mankind" . This is the reason why the Christian-Jewish meeting was awarded the Exodus prize. The theme of the meeting was “Berit, Alliance or Pact between God and Jewish people in the Holy Scriptures”. Through his death and resurrection the Jew Jesus received the gentiles in a pre-existing reality, the Covenant with the Jewish people. This covenant never has been cancelled.

God made three pacts with mankind: the first was with Noach when God gave him the seven universal rules which guarantee God's everlasting obligation towards mankind. Then God sent Abrahams towards the unknown to be the father of peoples: finally God made a pact with Israel and ordered every man to live according to the teaching of Torah. These three pacts are inter-dependent ; they represent particularity and universalism at the same time. These rules must be followed in the present world but they will open the way to the future world.

The biblical pact of alliance has the same structure regulating the relations between the ancient Middle-East kings and their vassals: with his ineffable name, the transcendent God revealed a unique divine design in favour of the whole mankind. The essence of this pact with God is the origin of the common contents between Jewish and Christians communities. The link which has connected Judaism and Christianity since the beginning was pre-represented in Isaia. When referring to Isaia the first Christian communities did not feel detached from Judaism but they felt obliged to spread the teaching of Torah.

According to the texts of the Christian tradition and the Old Testament, Jesus did not establish a new alliance: the old one with the Jewish had never been cancelled. There is no new Torah but, according to Jeremy 15, it is transferred from the stone tables to the human heart. In the New Testament the Old Testament shines: the alliance is always living, it is always new. It is not a permanent, inevitable institution: on the contrary it is just the opposite of "habit". To build a different world Christians and Jewish together must preserve Torah. The true biblical message is to find an alternative to the systems of power in the world today.

These themes were discussed during the four days meeting. Great personalities like Daniela Piattelli, Carmine di Sante, Amos Luzzato, Claudia Milani,Lilli Spizzichino, Adelina Bartolomei, Marco Morselli, Massimo Grilli Alexander Rofè, Serena Nocerti, Fulvio Ferrari took part in the debates: some of them organized workshops in the afternoon.

At the end of the Meeting very positive comments were expressed. The Meeting offered the opportunity for a historical, biblical and theological analysis. The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed: a desire for cooperation characterized the debates. An increasing number of participants attended the working.  Also lively young people showed their enthusiasm, ready to accept the inheritance of the dialogue with the aim of making it progress.

However, it was clear that it is impossible to solve all problems at one time: there are no solutions good for all times and places but there are solutions which offer opportunities for furher work. And further work must necessarily be done together.