Conselho de Fraternidade Cristão-Judaica

São Paulo, SP - Brasil. In September 1962 a Camilian Priest, Father Calixto Vendrame, Hella Moritz from the Jewish Community, and Sister Alda of Notre Dame de Sion, founded the Christian-Jewish Fraternity Council (Conselho de Fraternidade Cristão Judaico - CFCJ.) Thus, in 2012 we celebrated our golden jubilee!

It would take too long to speak about all the achievements of the last fifty years. Books and magazines were published, local meetings and international encounters were held at the city of São Paulo. During the first years, CFCJ was headed by a very dynamic group which included Mr. Hugo Schlesinger, Father Humberto Porto, Reverend Saulo Marques da Silva, and Sister  Isabel Sampaio Wilken.

From 2006 to 2010 Janina Schelesinger, Marília Freidenson, Revda. Margarida Ribeiro, Rev. Elias de Andrade Pinto and Sister Maria do Carmo were in charge of the direction.  Among various activities, Fraternal Seders and the Feast of  Lights were  held annually at the Paróquia Nossa Senhora Achiropita. After this period the CFCJ continued its work, always with good results and a noticeable presence in our city.

In December, 2009, the CFCJ lived  an important moment: our coordinating group,  Revda. Margarida, Marília, Sister Jilvaneide and  Sister Gisa attended the First Latin American Encounter of  Organizations associated to the ICCJ, that took place in Montevideo, Uruguay. After a thorough and meticulous translation, the Berlin Paper issued by the ICCJ, A Time for Recommitment: The Twelve Points of Berlin was published in Portuguese in 2011.

Here are some of the activities that were organized in 2012, the year of our jubilee:

- In March a Fraternal Seder was celebrated at the Jesuit Paróquia São Luís for the third time. As in the previews years, more than 100 people attended the event that had the generous participation of  Rabi Alexandre Leone and the singer Alberto Barzilay.

- In August we held a meeting with the theme:  The Possibilities and Challenges of Interreligious Dialogue Nowadays, where speakers representing different organizations such as the Center of Jewish Culture, the Methodist University, the Catholic University and the Muslim Community, addressed an audience that was extremely interested in the theme.

- On December 2, to crown our Jubilee we promoted a concert with the renowned Luther King Choir; the program included pieces of diverse origins such as:  Let’s break, Aarônic Blessing, Sanctus of the African Mass, Jerushalayim.  The concert was held at the beautiful chapel of the Colégio Nossa Senhora de Sion, to a large audience. After the Concert there was a gathering. All those who participated were very happy to celebrate our Jubilee.

- The Conselho de Fraternidade Cristão-Judaico has its rules. February 2013 ended the period for the coordinating group: Revda. Margarida Ribeiro, Marília Freidenson, and Sister Gisa Fonseca.

Now the coordinators are: Revda. Margarida Ribeiro, Miriam Markus e Marlucia Kowal.