ICCI Condemns Mosque Burning

The INTERRELIGIOUS COORDINATING COUNCIL IN ISRAEL—a coalition of over 60 religious, cultural and educational organizations in Israel—denounces in no uncertain terms the burning of a mosque in the village of Tuba Zangaria in the Upper Galillee 2 days ago. This is a hillul hashem, a desecration of the name of God, which goes against all of our prayers, especially during these 10 Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


The INTERRELIGIOUS COORDINATING COUNCIL IN ISRAELa coalition of over 60 religious, cultural and educational organizations in Israeldenounces in no uncertain terms the burning of a mosque in the village of Tuba Zangaria in the Upper Galillee 2 days ago. This is a hillul hashem, a desecration of the name of God, which goes against all of our prayers, especially during these 10 Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


This horrible act of wanton destruction of a religious institution comes as a result of years of incitement against the Arab population in Israel, often under the guise of "Jewish Law".


We join the prime minister and the president of Israel and the heads of the religious communities in Israel in condemning this outrageous act of violence in our country and implore our judicial leaders to bring the culprits to justice.


The Executive Committee of the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel


For more information, contact:


Rabbi Dr. Ron Kronish

Director, ICCI

pob 8771

Jerusalem, Israel 91086

ICCI: 972-2-561-1899

mobile phone 972-507-716989