30th International Meeting for Peace, Assisi 2016
ICCJ's Former President and Honorary President Rabbi David Rosen attended the 30th International Meeting for Peace "Thirst for Peace: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue" in Assisi and gave a speech on the universal significance of Jewish-Christian dialogue
JCRelations.net: September edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: September contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.
Statement by the Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France on the Murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel
The ICCJ Executive Board wishes to associate itself with the following statement of its French national member organization, the Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France. We especially grieve for the loss of a leader committed to interreligious relations and join with the AJCF in declaring that hatred will not have the last word.
Standing together in strength and compassion
The International Abrahamic Forum is appalled at the spate of attacks in recent weeks that have shocked the world, most recently in Nice, France.
New Initiative in Latin America Seeks to Promote Jewish-Muslim Dialogue
On June 2, a new initiative named the “Latin American Center for Studies, Dialogue and Encounters of Judaism and Islam” was launched in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the presence of both Jewish and Muslim officials. ICCJ Executive Board member Rabbi Shmuel Szteinhendler was present to bless the event.
Starting Soon: ICCJ Annual Conference in Philadelphia!
Registration for this year's ICCJ conference in Philadelphia on "The Dynamics of Religious Pluralism ina Changing World" has been extended until June 16!
JCRelations.net: June edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: June contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.
YLC 2016 Conference: Religious Identity in a Multifaith Society
Please join the Young Leadership Council (YLC) in Philadelphia for our 2016 conference with the theme “Religious Identity in a Multifaith Society.”
JCRelations.net: May edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: May contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.
Dutch Website on Jewish Christian Relations Now Online
A new Dutch website on Jewish Christian relations is online as from May 1st.
ICCJ President's Reflections for Pesach
Dear Members of the ICCJ Family, As I mentioned in my Easter greetings, this year we have the somewhat unusual situation of the celebration of Passover by our Jewish friends (beginning on April 22) significantly separated from when our Christian friends observe Easter in the both the West (March 27) and the East (May 1).
On the Trail of Luther and Rashi in Worms / Warmaisa
Dr Deborah Weissman, ICCJ’s Immediate Past President, was invited to Worms (Germany) as panelist at an interreligious panel discussion on “Freedom of Conscience in Our World” hosted by the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau and the City of Worms.