ICCJ Annual Conference 2021
SAVE THE DATE! This year's ICCJ conference will be held online from Sunday, June 20 - Wednesday, June 23, on the theme "When All This Is Over, How Do We Want The World To Be Different?"
ICCJ General SecretaryNow Online: Video "Interreligious Dialogue about the Land"
A recording of the ICCJ-webinar "Interreligious Dialogue about the Land: Development and Diversity", held on February 21, 2021, is now available.
ICCJ General SecretaryJCRelations.net: February edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: February contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefInternational Creative Contest of the Friends and Sponsors of the Martin Buber House
The past year, 2020, was different from all the years before. Covid-19 cut down our social contacts, reduced our travel, influenced our decisions, and, at the same time, made us creative.
President of the "Friends and Sponsors of the Martin-Buber-House"JCRelations.net: January edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: January contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefICCJ President's Greetings for 2021
A New Year's Greeting to all engaged in Jewish-Christian dialogue.
ICCJ PresidentEnabling Dialogue about the Land
NOW AVAILABLE! ICCJ-Book: "Enabling Dialogue about the Land: A Resource Book for Jews and Christians", edited by Philip A. Cunningham, Ruth Langer and Jesper Svartvik
ICCJ General SecretaryLight and Darkness
As a contribution to this year's Chanukkah and Christmas celebrations all around the world ICCJ's Theology Committee offers an one-hour video seminar on "Light and Darkness: Our Festivals and Our Times"
Member of the ICCJ Executive BoardICCJ President's Greetings for Chanukkah and Christmas
I recently saw a greeting saying “Happy Chanumas”. It could be that this is a play on words from someone who wants to greet his or her Jewish and Christian friends at the same time. But it could as well be interpreted as a way of harmonizing or making a mixture of the two faith traditions’ holidays.
ICCJ PresidentJCRelations.net: December edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: December contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefJCRelations.net: November edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: November contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefCCJR 2020 Conference Webinar
ICCJ's member organization in the United States, the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR), is going to hold a webinar on American antisemitism on October 25, 2020, at 7 p.m. UTC
ICCJ General Secretary