When All This Is Over, How Do We Want The World To Be Different?
Sunday, June 20 + Wednesday, June 23
The webinars will be offered with simultaneous translation English - French / German / Spanish.
Webinar 1: Sunday, June 20, 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. UTC
If Not Now, When? Reflections on the Common Task of Healing Our Fractured World
Si pas maintenant, alors quand? Réflexions sur notre tâche commune de réparer notre monde fissuré //
Wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann? Reflexionen über die gemeinsame Aufgabe unsere gespaltene Welt zu heilen //
Si no es ahora, ¿entonces cuándo? Reflexiones acerca de la tarea conjunta de sanar nuestro fragmentado mundo
As the opening webinar of the conference, this session will primarily explore one aspect related to the overall conference theme, namely, healing our fractured world (tikkun olam) that Jews and Christians are called to participate in, together with other people. Drawing on experiences and perspectives from the Israeli and Australian contexts, the webinar will address selective yet relevant issues of concern, such as the increase of violence, the loss of trust in other people and institutions, the tendency toward creating ideological bubbles, generational transition or climate change, among other things. Exploring the venues for hope amidst the pandemic, the webinar will then move from analyzing the issues to an attempt to consider actual ways on how to address them. The session will be carried by the desire to go deeper theologically and dialogically in both our reflection and practical responses to the world we live in and the others with whom it is shared.

Emmanuel Nathan
Nathan, Emmanuel
Senior lecturer in biblical studies and comparative theology at the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, ACU in Sydney, Director of its Research Centre for Studies of the 2nd Vatican Council; involved with the Australian CCJ, and the Sydney Roman Catholic Archdiocese Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations; since 2020 actively working with Sydney Catholic schools and representatives of the Jewish community to raise awareness on Catholic-Jewish relations and the merits of interreligious learning.

Leah Shakdiel
Shakdiel, Leah
lives in the town of Yeruham in the Israeli Negev desert; she is an educator and a social activist; member of Rabbis for Human Rights, and of the Jewish religious peace movement Oz veShalom.

Pavol Bargár
Czech Republic
Bargár, Pavol
Researcher at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague, Board member of the CCJ in the Czech Republic, Second Vice-President of the ICCJ.
Webinar 2: Sunday, June 20, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. UTC
Particularity and Universality: Lessons from the Pandemic
Particularité et Universalité: leçons de la pandémie //
Partikularismus und Universalismus: Lektionen aus der Pandemie //
Particularidad y universalidad: lecciones de la pandemia
Faith has been challenged by the pandemic. As we analyze the versatility of religious institutional responses and adaptations that may prove transient or permanent, the deeper questions abound: Have we been drawn nearer to each other or further apart? Are there lessons to be learned for Christianity and Judaism, Jewish and Christian understandings of the Other, and Christian-Jewish relations in the 21st century?

The Rt Revd Dr
Michael Ipgrave OBE
Great Britain
Ipgrave, Michael
Bishop of Lichfield, with oversight of over 400 Church of England parishes in the English West Midlands, Chair of trustees of the UK's Council of Christians and Jews, and member of the Anglican Jewish Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Noam Marans
Marans, Noam
American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations and Chair of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (IJCIC) that is recognized by the Vatican, Ecumenical Patriarchate, and World Council of Churches as their official dialogue partner speaking on behalf of world Jewry.

Liliane Apotheker
Apotheker, Liliane
First Vice-President of the ICCJ.
Webinar 3: Wednesday, June 23, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. UTC
Psalms in the Time of COVID: Prayer that Makes Us Human
Des Psaumes à l’heure du Covid: une prière qui nous humanise //
Psalmen in Zeiten von COVID: Ein Gebet, das uns menschlich macht //
Salmos en tiempos de COVID: Plegaria que nos hace humanos
In this closing plenary of the 2021 conference, two international leaders in the Christian-Jewish dialogue will turn to the Psalms, which express practically every human emotion, to process the experiences of the past months. As scriptural for both Jews and Christians, they can also help us all look ahead to the world after the coronavirus and what roles we Christians and Jews could play.
Please note: The speakers invite you to send by June 21st a brief text of a Psalm (no more than 2 verses) that has been particularly meaningful during the COVID-19 pandemic. To submit your suggestion, please follow this link to a Google-form.

Mary Boys, SNJM
Boys, Mary
Skinner & McAlpin Professor of Practical Theology at the Union Theological Seminary, New York City; member of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM).

Rabbi Dr
Dalia Marx
Marx, Dalia
Aaron Pranken Professor of Liturgy and Midrash, Hebrew Union College-JIR, Jerusalem.

Samuel Szteinhendler
Szteinhendler, Samuel
President of the Confraternidad Judeo Cristiana de Chile, member of the ICCJ Executive Board, member of IJCIC, rabbi of the congregation Beit Emunah in Santiago de Chile.