
Polska Rada Chrześcijan I Żyd



Organization name:
Polska Rada Chrześcijan I Żydów

Preferred English translation of the name of your organization:
The Polish Council of Christians and Jews

Year of establishment or foundation of the organization: 

Brief history of the organization:
First established in 1989, following an ICCJ suggestion, as a religious section of the Society for Polish–Israeli Friendship, it became independent in 1990, then formally registered. Since the beginning it has had two co-chairpersons, one Christian and one Jewish. In good relations with the leaders of the Polish Roman Catholic Church and with the leadership of the Jewish community in Poland, it has functioned independently as an NGO. For a long time it had the mailing address at the Evangelical Reform Church, and later in the editorial offices of the Catholic intellectual periodical Wiez, where also regular meetings take place. Although the Council has members from various cities the majority are from Warsaw where the main activities are concentrated.

Number of members (approx.):
About 50

Where is your organization based?

Warsaw, April 2016, Prayer March, at Mila18 monument


Main focuses/areas of your work:

  • Christian teachings about Jews and Judaism
  • Recent Polish history, especially the Shoah
  • Attitudes of local communities/churches to the Jewish traces
  • Jewish views of Christianity

Which audiences do you work towards?
Academics; Grassroots; Young professionals; Retired professionals; Clergy; Students.

How often does your organization meet?
We meet once a month, except for the summer.

Events regularly sponsored by your organization:

  • Shared Rejoicing in the Torah – in a  church, annually since 1992.
  • Prayer March at the Warsaw’s Monuments to the Holocaust, annually since 1991.
  • Nominating a Figure of Reconciliation – a person from abroad who has specially contributed to the Christian-Jewish relations in Poland, annually since 1992.
  • Fr Roman Indrzejczyk award, given annually to a Polish consecrated person, Catholic or not, who has been active in dialogue or keeping the memory of Jews in accordance with the Council’s ideals, annually since 2012.
  • “Close Meetings of Christians and Jews”, a regular program open to the public, alternately in a church and in a synagogue, since 2014.
  • Regular prayers at the Treblinka death camp.
  • Also: active participation in the annual Day of Judaism in the Catholic Church in Poland, organized since 1998.

Key members of the Council are active in a variety of local events, for example organizing commemorations in Kielce and in Otwock.

Does your organization have any regular publications (in print or online)?
A quarterly: http://spotkaniawdialogu.pl/

Has your organization figured in any published material such as newspapers, books or blogs?

Warsaw Jan 17, 2016 Close Encounters Christians and Jews


Main working/publishing language of your organization:

Officers of your organization:
Co-chairs: Stanislaw Krajewski, Zbigniew Nosowski
Deputy chairs:
Father Grzegorz Michalczyk, Rabbi Stas Wojciechowicz
Secretary general:
Marta Titaniec
Pawel Sawicki
Board members:
  Ewa Klinger, Lukasz Malecki-Tepicht, Marek Nowak OP

Briefly describe your organization’s relationship to the ICCJ:
Member organization. Occasionally there have been close contacts with Heppenheim, especially during the annual conferences (mostly by S. Krajewski who participated first time in Buckow 1987).

What is the greatest challenge your organization faces at the moment?
Attracting young people.

E-mail address to contact your organization:

Website of your organization:

Warsaw Jan 17, 2016 Close Encounters

Kielce, May 2016, R. Skorka as Figure of Reconciliation