ICCJ Annual Conference Online: Registration OPEN!
In 2022, like the last year, the ICCJ annual conference is going to be held in a virtual mode. The theme of the conference is “‘Stories We Live By’: Relating to the Self and Other.” The dates are June 13th + 15th, 2022 and the registration for webinars and workshops is now open.
ICCJ Board MemberJCRelations.net: April edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: April contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefPresenting the Passion … without blaming “the Jews”
In collaboration with its US member organization, the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR), the ICCJ publishes a video series on Jesus' passion.
ICCJ General Secretary75th Anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference - 75 Years of ICCJ
When the Seelisberg conference took place in 1947, Europe was devastated by WW2 and all its horrific consequences. In this context, Jewish and Christian theologians gathered in Switzerland for an "International Emergency Conference on Antisemitism".
ICCJ General SecretaryNow Online: Video "The Jewish Conscience behind the Ten Theses of Seelisberg"
As an opening of a series of events marking the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg conference, the ICCJ offered on March 20, 2022 a webinar about Jules Isaac, entitled "The Jewish Conscience behind the Ten Theses of Seelisberg". A recording of the webinar is now available.
ICCJ General SecretaryWe Embrace Ukraine
In view of the human tragedy developing in Ukraine, the Executive Board of ICCJ wishes to share the following message with member organizations and friends:
Executive BoardThe Jewish or Christian 'Other' in Teaching and Preaching
At ICCJ's invitation more than 50 international experts and delegates from ICCJ member organizations gathered online at two days in February for a consultation on the topic "The Jewish or Christian 'Other' in Teaching and Preaching". Read here some reflections and impressions of participants.
ICCJ General SecretaryICCJ Webinar on Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Seelisberg Conference
As an opening of a series of events marking the 75th anniversary of the Seelisberg conference the ICCJ offers a webinar entitled "The Jewish Conscience behind the Ten Theses of Seelisberg" on Sunday, March 20, 6 p.m. UTC. Registration for participants is open!
ICCJ General SecretaryJCRelations.net: March edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: March contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefJCRelations.net: February edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: February contributions in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian are online.
JCR Editor in ChiefICCJ Webinar: Performing the Sign of God in the Presence of the Other
As part of its non-public consultation on the topic "The Jewish and Christian Other in Teaching and Preaching" the ICCJ invites to a public webinar taking place on Sunday, February 6, 7 p.m. UTC. Registration for participants is open!
ICCJ General SecretaryICCJ Webinar on Occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
On Thursday, January 27, 7 p.m. UTC the ICCJ is going to offer a webinar entitled "Faith in Auschwitz - the Victim Experience and Interfaith Dialogue Today". The webinar will be held with simultaneous translation English / Polish. Registration for participants is open!
ICCJ General Secretary