When All This Is Over, How Do We Want The World To Be Different?
Monday, June 21 + Tuesday, June 22
Monday, June 21, 07:00 a.m. UTC:
Creating Awareness for Jewish-Christian Relations - A Glocal Campaign: Jewish and Christian: Closer than you Think?!

Monday, June 21, 07:00 a.m. UTC:
The Truth about Truth: Jewish, Christian, Muslim Perspectives
offered by ICCJ's "International Abrahamic Forum" (IAF)

Monday, June 21, 09:00 a.m. UTC:
Dialogue on ‘Mute’: Lessons in Inter-faith Engagement between Jews, Christians and Muslims
with the assistance of "Forum for Discussion of Israel and Palestine" (FODIP)

Monday, June 21, 11:00 a.m. UTC:
Dialogue – Vision of the Future: The Jewish-Christian Dialogue and its Contribution to Society during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday, June 21, 01:00 p.m. UTC:
Reforming the German Oberammergau Passion Play: What do we Learn from Changing a Century-old Tradition? – Film, Talk, Discussion
with the assistance of "German Council of Christians and Jews" (DKR)

Monday, June 21, 01:00 p.m. UTC:
‘Till Race Do Us Part’? - Uprooting Systemic Racism in Faith Communities through Inter-religious Dialogue

Monday, June 21, 03:00 p.m. UTC:
Adjusting Religious Practice During the Pandemic
with the assistance of "John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue", Rome

Monday, June 21, 03:00 p.m. UTC:
Using Memories of Interreligious Cooperation to Address Conflict, Social Distance and Public Need
with the assistance of "Slovak Council of Christians and Jews"

Monday, June 21, 05:00 p.m. UTC:
Facilitating Dialogue about the Land and State of Israel: Working with the ICCJ’s New Book

Monday, June 21, 08:00 p.m. UTC:
"Nosotros esperábamos" (Lc. 24,21): Expectativas, providencia y luz
["But we were hoping..." (Lk. 24:21): Expectations, Divine Providence and Light]with the assistance of "Confraternidad Judeo-Cristiana del Uruguay"

Please note:
This workshop will be offered in Spanish.