Tuesday, June 22, 06:30 a.m. UTC:
Jewish Environmental Ethics: An Inter-religious Conversation from Australia and New Zealand
with the assistance of "Australian Council of Christians and Jews" (ACCJ)

Tuesday, June 22, 08:00 a.m. UTC:
Religion and Resilience: Rising Above COVID 19 Interactive Workshop - Case Study on Jewish Christian and Muslim Relations during the Pandemic (Singapore)

Tuesday, June 22, 10:00 a.m. UTC:
Listening for a Change: Dialogue and Diversity after the Pandemic?
with the assistance of "Council of Christians and Jews UK" (CCJ-UK)

Tuesday, June 22, 12:00 noon UTC:
Healing our World: Enriched by the Voice of the “Other”
offered by ICCJ's "Theology Committee"

Tuesday, June 22, 02:00 p.m. UTC:
Reflections on the Pandemic's Ethical Ramifications /
Reflexiones sobre las ramificaciones éticas de la pandemia
with the assistance of "Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations" (CCJR)
Please note: This workshop will be offered with simultaneous translation English - Spanish.

Tuesday, June 22, 02:00 p.m. UTC:
Religious (and Secular) Ritual: How has it Changed in the Pandemic, and What Next?
with the assistance of "Council of Christians and Jews UK" (CCJ-UK)

Tuesday, June 22, 03:30 p.m. UTC:
The Sabbath(s) and Human Dignity: A Joint Witness?

Tuesday, June 22, 04:00 p.m. UTC:
El origen de la teoría de la supuesta conspiración judía internacional en la "Carta de los judíos de Constantinopla". Del Auto de fe en 1639 a la Shoá en 1939
with the assistance of "Jewish Christian Fraternity of Peru" (CJCP)
Please note: This workshop will be offered in Spanish.

Tuesday, June 22, 05:00 p.m. UTC:
The Codes of Antisemitism in Conspiracy Fantasies and Possible Reactions When Encountering Them
with the assistance of "Christian-Jewish Association Switzerland" (CJA)

Tuesday, June 22, 05:00 p.m. UTC:
Thinking Interreligiously on Civic Challenges - Water Justice and the Abrahamic Traditions
with the assistance of "Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies" (ICJS)

Tuesday, June 22, 05:00 p.m. UTC:
Youths as Leaven of a Petrified Society. Travel Across the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud and the New Testament /
Les jeunes comme levain d'une société pétrifiée. Voyage à travers la Bible hébraïque, le Talmud et le Nouveau Testament
with the assistance of "Amitié judéo-chrétienne de France" (AJCF)
Please note: This workshop will be offered with simultaneous translation English - French.

Tuesday, June 22, 09:00 p.m. UTC:
Invitation to Praise God in Difficult Times - Psalm 100 /
Invitación a alabar a Dios en tiempos difíciles - Salmo 100
with the assistance of "Confraternidad Judeo-Cristiana de Chile"
Please note: This workshop will be offered with simultaneous translation English - Spanish.

Tuesday, June 22, 00:00 midnight UTC
(Tuesday - Wednesday):
Hearing Scripture in a New Key
with the assistance of "Council of Christians and Jews Calgary, Canada"