ICCJ Conference 2015

Lectures - Video - Gallery
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Opening session
- Philip A. Cunningham - Greetings (engl.)
Welcome Address from Philip A. Cunningham (ICCJ President) held at the Opening Session of the ICCJ Annual Conference in Rome, June 28, 2015 - Philip A. Cunningham - Indirizzo di saluto(ital.)
Indirizzo di saluto, Philip A. Cunningham (Presidente dell' International Council of Christians and Jews), Rome, Domenica 28 Giugno 2015. - Marco Cassuto Morselli - Greetings (engl.)
Welcome Address from Marco Cassuto Morselli (President of the Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana di Roma) held at the Opening Session of the ICCJ Annual Conference in Rome, June 28, 2015 - Marco Cassuto Morselli - Saluti (ital.)
"Saluti", Marco Cassuto Morselli (Presidente AEC Roma) - Giuseppe Betori - Keynote (engl.)
"The Journey We Have Shared from Nostra Aetate to Today, and Onward Toward the Future" by Cardinal Giuseppe Betori (Archbishop of Florence, Italy) - Giuseppe Betori - Keynote (ital.)
“Il percorso comune da Nostra Aetate ad oggi e verso il futuro”, Card. Giuseppe Betori (Arcivescovo di Firenze) - Abraham Skorka - Keynote (engl.)
"Nostra Aetate - Past and Future" by Rabbi Abraham Skorka (Rector of the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina) - Abraham Skorka - Keynote (ital.)
"Nostra Aetate: passato e futuro", Rav Abraham Skorka (Rettore del Seminario Rabbinico Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires)
Monday, June 29, 2015
Plenary session
- Judith Hershcopf Banki - Plenary Session (engl.)
“Nostra Aetate: Reflections from an Eyewitness” by Judith Hershcopf Banki - Judith Hershcopf Banki - Sessione Plenaria (ital.)
"Nostra Aetate: Riflessioni di un testimone", Judith Hershcopf Banki - Alberto Melloni - Plenary Session (engl.)
"The 'Nostra Aetate' Generation", Prof. Dr Alberto Melloni - Alberto Melloni - Sessione Plenaria (ital.)
"La generazione di Nostra Aetate", Alberto Melloni - Anna Foa - Plenary Session (engl.)
"The Jewish Community in Rome: 2100 years of history and beyond", Anna Foa - Anna Foa - Sessione Plenaria (ital.)
"La Comunità Ebraica in Roma: 2100 anni di storia e oltre", Anna Foa
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Plenary session
- David Rosen - Plenary Session (engl.)
"The Role Religions Should Play in a Conflicted World" by Rabbi David Rosen - David Rosen - Sessione Plenari (ital.)
"Il ruolo delle religioni in un mondo conflittuale", Rav David Rosen - Andrea Riccardi - Plenary Session (engl.)
"The role of religions in a world of conflict", Prof. Andrea Riccardi - Andrea Riccardi - Sessione Plenaria (ital.)
"Il ruolo delle religioni in un mondo conflittuale", Prof. Andrea Riccardi
Papal Audience
- Pope Francis: Address to Members of the "International Council of Christians and Jews" (engl.) Given at Clementine Hall, Vatican, Tuesday, 30 June 2015.
- Santo Padre Francesco: Discorso ai partecipanti al convegno dall´ICCJ, Vaticano, Martedi, 30 Giugno 2015
- Philip A. Cunningham: ICCJ's Address to Pope Francis. (engl.)
Given on the occasion of the Pope's audience, Rome, June 30, 2015 - Philip A. Cunningham (ital.): Il Presentazioni dei Partecipanti alla Conferenza dell'ICCJ a Papa Francesco, Vaticano, Martedi 30 Giugnno 2015
- "Celebrating and Deepening the New Christian–Jewish Relationship"
ICCJ Statement on the Golden Jubilee of the Second Vatican Council Declaration, Nostra Aetate. Signed by the ICCJ Executive Board and co-signed by 27 ICCJ member organizations from 25 countries Presented to His Holiness Pope Francis at the papal audience for ICCJ conference participants on June 30, 2015 - Video: Short Summary video of Pope Francis's address to the delegates of the ICCJ's 2015 conference during the papal audience
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Plenary session
- Michael Trainor - Plenary Session (engl.)
“Re-framing the Covenant: An Ecological Retrieval” by Michael Trainor - Michael Trainor - Sessione Plenaria (ital.)
"Riformulare l’Alleanza: un recupero ecologico", Michael Trainor - Ed Kessler - Plenary Session (engl.)
"Covenant as a Continuing Conversation in the Future" by Ed Kessler - Ed Kessler - Sessione Plenaria (ital.)
"L’Alleanza come una conversazione che continua nel futuro" by Ed Kessler - Daniele Garrone - Plenary Session (engl.)
"The Covenant as a conversation which continues into the future",
Prof. Dr. Daniele Garrone - Daniele Garrone - Sessione Planaria (ital.)
"L’Alleanza come una conversazione che continua nel futuro", Pastore Daniele Garrone - Agostino Vallini - Palazzo del Laterano (ital.)
"Saluto ai Convegnisti", Cardinale Agostino Vallini
Dialogical Plenary
Philip A. Cunningham / Adam Gregerman - Dialogical Plenary (Summary; engl.)
“The Future of the Relationship: Hopes and Expectations”, by Philip A. Cunningham / Adam Gregerman- Philip A. Cunningham / Adam Gregerman - Sessione Plenaria di Dialogo (ital.)
"Sintesi della sessione plenaria dialogica: Il futuro delle relazione: speranze ed aspettative"; Philip A. Cunningham / Adam Gregerman
Concluding session
- Clare Amos - Concluding Plenary (engl.)
- Clare Amos - Plenaria Conclusiva (ital.)
- Rabbi Joseph Levi - Concluding Plenary (engl.)
- Rav Joseph Levi - Plenaria Conclusiva (ital.)
- Kurt Cardinal Koch - Concluding Plenary (engl.)
- Kurt Cardinale Koch - Plenaria Conclusiva (ital.)