ICCJ Conference 2018

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Sunday, June 24, 2018 / 2018 június 24. vasárnap
Opening Session / Megnyitó ünnepség
- Keynote / Foeloadások:
Cardinal Dr Péter Erdö / Dr Erdo Péter bíboros (pdf/magyar)
Monday, June 25, 2018
Plenary Session
- Reconciliation in Judaism and Christianity
This session will seek to engage in dialogue views on reconciliation in Judaism and Christianity, respectively. Central to Jewish faith and yearning, reconciliation is also inextricably linked with repentance and peace. The session will inquire into these connections in detail. Furthermore, it will ask what the link is between reconciliation and justice. Although reconciliation certainly is a religious and spiritual value, biblical and halakhic aspects will not be under scrutiny only. As for Christianity, reconciliation is one of the key concepts in Christian faith and theology. Drawing from the emphases of Apostle Paul (2Cor 5:11-21) it is often argued theologically that reconciliation is one of the crucial ministries Christians are called to pursue in the 21st century. The session will inquire what these connotations mean in practice. Furthermore, it will be explored what implications does it have for interfaith relations?
Reconciliation will be construed as a comprehensive notion, encompassing many and various aspects. Therefore, the session will examine what historical, political, social, and ecological ramifications follow from the Jewish and Christian understanding of reconciliation.
Dr Markus Himmelbauer(pdf/engl.)
Rabbi Prof. Dr Ruth Langer(pdf/engl.)
Dr Ilona Szent-Iványi (pdf/engl.)
- Towards Responsible Citizenship: On Leaving the "Victim-Mentality” Behind in the Context of Central Europe
It has been argued that the so-called victim-mentality is a frequent phenomenon in the context of central European, post-communist countries. This development is augmented by new forms of nationalist ideologies. Moreover, minorities are often left out of the search for a new sense of national identity and find themselves alienated once more, and in a sometimes precarious situation. Here, external, often historical factors are interpreted as the main, or even sole reason for one’s unfortunate situation in the present. As a result, the mindset and behavior of a victim is adopted, which have debilitating consequences for the pursuit of one’s future. This session will explore this phenomenon from historical, political, social, and theological perspectives. One of the aims will be looking for ways to overcome this mentality, on the way towards active and engaged citizenship.
Dr Monika Kovács (pdf/engl.)
Prof. Dr Stanislaw Krajewski (pdf/engl.)
Prof. Dr Dorottya Nagy (pdf/engl.)
- How can I find God in the “Other”? Towards Responsible Religious Belonging
The ultimate question for people in the pre-modern period was, it is argued, “How can I find a saving God?” Instead, it seems that today this question has for an increasing number of people shifted to “How can I find God in the other?” This session is designed as an interfaith dialogical panel. In addition to the leading, title question, the panelists, and the audience together with them, will be asked to ponder and discuss questions such as:
Who is my “other”? Who is my friend / neighbor / sibling / enemy? And furthermore, when thinking about these questions, what role is played by the fact that human identity is complex, consisting of numerous identity markers (religion, race, gender, class, age, education, culture, etc.)?
Prof. Dr Márta Cserháti (pdf/engl.)
Elena Dini (pdf/engl.)
Dr Mohammad Hannan Hassan (pdf/engl.)
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Plenary Session
- Religious Fundamentalism and Political Extremism
Recently, both religious fundamentalism and political extremism have been getting much attention in the media. Does this phenomenon actually mirror reality, or is it merely a political move aimed at increasing the general feeling of anxiety in society?
Similarly, one can ask what, if any, are the common denominators connecting the two phenomena? Is there anything religious fundamentalists have in common with political extremists? Furthermore, one can ask how religion is (mis)used by (extreme) politics and vice versa.
This session will explore these and other related questions from the perspectives of various academic disciplines (political science, religious studies, history, sociology etc.) as well as geographic factors (Hungary, central Europe, international contexts).
Rev. Dr Michael Trainor(pdf/engl.)
Respondent: Prof. Dr Alan Berger (pdf/engl.)
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Plenary Session
- Opportunities for Jewish-Christian and Interfaith Dialogue with Youth: Perspectives of Young Professionals
This plenary session will explore the conference theme from perspectives of young people. Striving to be intentionally dialogical, this session will bring together young professionals coming from various contexts and faith traditions to ponder key themes of reconciliation, responsible citizenship, and Jewish-Christian and interfaith dialogue and cooperation. A special focus will be given to the panellists’ experiences in different settings, in particular in the conference host town of Kecskemét and in contexts as diverse as Canada or Iran.
Héctor Acero Ferrer (pdf/engl.)
Morteza Rezazadeh (pdf/engl.)
Closing Session
- “Shalom aleichem! Pax nobi! As-salamu alaykum! Béke legyem veled! Peace be with you!”
The closing session will bring together religious leaders, activists, and academicians to discuss the issues of peace and reconciliation. What can we do as people of faith or none to work towards mutual understanding, reconciliation, and peace in our specific contexts, often tainted by national, religious, ethnic, and social conflicts
Judy Banki (pdf/engl.)
Prof. Dr Jutta Hausmann (pdf/engl.)
work in progress... to be continued