Excellent Seminar in Jerusalem
The ICCJ was well-represented last week in Jerusalem’s Old City, at an intensive three-day workshop on “The Hermeneutics of Liberation.”
In Memory of Ester Golan
I sometimes use this column to pay tribute to prominent or “important” people who have passed on. Now I want to mention a woman who perhaps wasn’t that prominent but was no less important.
JCRelations.net: April edition online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: April contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
ICCJ Welcomes New Anglican Archbishop and New Chief Rabbi
Our Australian member organization, the Australian Council of Christian and Jews, issued a statement that the ICCJ will echo:
Report on trip to Latin America
Recently the ICCJ General Secretary, Rev. Dick Pruiksma, visited Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina. An extensive report on this trip including many pictures is now available on our website.
Happy Pessach and Easter
I am writing this today from sunny Jerusalem. President Obama arrived a few hours ago. Many of the streets have been closed, which doesn’t do a lot to endear him to the pre-Pesach shoppers, taxi drivers and so on. But we do wish him well and hope that his visit will bear some fruit in terms of re-starting the more or less moribund peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.
ICCJ International Abrahamic Forum: Conference 2013
International Conference: La Baume, Aix en Provence, 26 - 28 June 2013. Theme: Combatting Our Teachings of Contempt; Jewish, Christian and Muslim Introspection and Projection.
Book now for the Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue Event of the Year!Conselho de Fraternidade Cristão-Judaica
São Paulo, SP - Brasil. In September 1962 a Camilian Priest, Father Calixto Vendrame, Hella Moritz from the Jewish Community, and Sister Alda of Notre Dame de Sion, founded the Christian-Jewish Fraternity Council (Conselho de Fraternidade Cristão Judaico - CFCJ.) Thus, in 2012 we celebrated our golden jubilee!
Pope Francis, friend of Jewish-Christian dialogue
(Buenos Aires, 14 March 2013) — The International Council of Christians and Jews congratulates its Catholic friends, colleagues, and everyone within the worldwide Catholic community on the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina as Pope Francis. As the first non-European pope in over 1200 years, his election testifies to the growing importance of the Global South.
JCRelations.net: New articles online
New articles are available on JCRelations.net: March contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian are online.
Sao Paulo meetings
This week ICCJ’s General Secretary Rev. Dick Pruiksma is visiting two Latin American countries: Brazil and Argentina. Half way his trip, moving on from Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, there already are a lot of impressions, thoughts and ideas, resulting from many meetings here in Sao Paulo.
New Chair Slovak CCJ
The newly elected chair of the Slovak Council of Christians and Jews, Lucia Faltin, reports on the important steps taken by our Slovak colleagues: